This Beautiful Fantastic(2016)
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Bella Brown: Mesmerized, Luna couldn't help but think about the peony. Luna asked the traveler where he got the beautiful flower. \"There are many,\" the traveler said. \"From the top of the mountain, you can see thousands... a sea of petals that will make your heart sing, for it's a beautiful sight.\" \"But how will I get to the top of the mountain I can't fly and I only come out at night.\" But the traveler had heard this before. \"You seek the rarest flower from the top of the tallest mountain in the world. If you want to see them enough, you will.\" Luna was scared and excited, in equal measure. \"I think I will find my mother and father there.\" The traveler smiled. \"You have much to learn, child. Are you sure you want to continue on this perilous quest\"
Bella Brown (\"Downton Abbey'\"s Jessica Brown Findlay), the central character of writer/director Simon Aboud's \"This Beautiful Fantastic,\" began life as a foundling, left in a box by a river as a baby, hovered over by protective ducks. Raised by nuns, Bella grows up to be a librarian, who harbors dreams of writing a children's book. She also has what appears to be OCD tendencies, but it's twee-movie OCD, an adorable character quirk more than anything else. She's a neat-nik. She is picky about what she eats. Her kitchen cabinets are organized with \"Sleeping With the Enemy\" precision. However, her organizational skills fail her in a couple of areas. She is constantly late to her job at the library, and she has also let the garden behind her rented house fall to ruin. In another movie, this all would seem stressful and dark, but \"This Beautiful Fantastic\" is not meant to be realistic. It's supposed to be a fairy tale. That's fine, but it's a very low-stakes fairy tale, wrapped in a strained garden metaphor.
Alfie's personal cook, a charming Irishman named Vernon (Andrew Scott), jumps ship from the mean old man to cook for Bella, even though she has no money to pay him. He's a father of two. Why would he give up a paying job for a non-paying one You're not supposed to ask questions like this, but they were unavoidable. Vernon wanders around, carrying serving trays of food, giving Bella pep talks. He commandeers her kitchen. (Bella is constantly being over-ridden by everyone she meets, told what to do, where to go, who to be. She doesn't appear to mind.) At the library, Bella is drawn to a patron, a befuddled and adorable inventor named Billy (Jeremy Irvine). They bond over books, he shows her a mechanical bird he created. Bella says of him later, \"He invents mechanical animals and he makes me feel like I can fly.\"
Fairy tales don't need to be realistic. There is charm and humor in all of the performances. But if you keep thinking, as I did, \"Wait, doesn't Vernon have two daughters he needs to support How is he making a living\" or \"Can't she just hire a gardener for two days to hack the weeds away\" or \"Why is everyone in this film devoting their whole lives to making Bella blossom like those seeds she plants\" then clearly something is not working.
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I am so glad you recommended this movie! I watched a couple of years ago and loved it. It is dreary where I am today so it will be my afternoon pleasure. Last time it prompted me to hang solar lanterns all over my tree near my patio.
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Our data shows that the This Beautiful Fantastic is available to stream on Apple TV and SBS On Demand. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now, Netflix and Stan. This Beautiful Fantastic is not available on any of them at this time.
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What will we see in the plot of this film Is it worth watchingI think it is. Yes, it looks like a fairy tale, and, very much. But without fairy tales, you see, the world will be boring to live.
All the wives are deceased in this film too. Why is this so common in films Vernon and Alfie seem deflated, defeated and weakened by the experience. Yes, death equals grief, but films commonly depict the passing of a partner as if it emasculates them. Vernon replaces the feminised role as a housekeeper, mother and father to his twins, and cook. Nevertheless, it is refreshing to see Aboud challenge gendered performative roles in the household.
Like all rom-coms, you know where it will take you, but I found the journey delightful. Immerse yourself in \"This Beautiful Fantastic\" this weekend and leave politics, pandemics, forest fires and swirling chaos behind.
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In the heart of one of the busiest cities in the world is a park that represents the dreams of a community and, importantly, explores the possibilities of brilliant design and plant choice. In this Episode GardenSMART visits Brooklyn Bridge Park and it is stunning.
Eric next meets Rebecca McMackin the Brooklyn Bridge Park horticulturist. Rebecca has a wonderful role here. She has been very involved in the establishment of this Park and now, the day to day operation. Rebecca tells us about her gardening background. She grew up on a hobby farm in Connecticut thus has been gardening her whole life. She ended up getting a degree in fresh water ecology. But as with a lot of people who are drawn to the natural sciences, she felt she wasn't spending enough time outside, instead she was spending a lot of time in front of a computer. So, at that time she started gardening just for the fun and realized that gardening really was an applied science. As all gardeners know it's experiment after experiment but at the end one doesn't need to defend or run statistics, one just gets flowers. Rebecca feels a job in public gardening provides a fantastic opportunity to move into a city, get all of the cultural experiences of the city while still being able to enjoy horticulture. It's very rewarding to be working in public horticulture because as you're out there working, people will thank you at least 10 times a day for your work. This is still a very young garden and a lot of what she does each day involves overseeing construction but additionally she has a large role with plant choice and design. She spends a lot of time caring for the plants, making sure they are healthy, keeping the grass green but additionally practices integrated pest management and observing wildlife in the park and making sure that it is functioning in that regard. Rebecca has a number of eco systems that she is going to show us today, Eric is anxious to get started, so off they go.
There are many wonderful FLOWERING PLANTS included in this landscape and Eric asks Rebecca about some of her favorites. She likes the Viburnum Trilobum, it's a gorgeous shrub that has 4 seasons of interest. It's flower is a dead ringer for a lace cap hydrangea. In the summer it has very beautiful dark lustrous green foliage, then in the fall it has a deep burgundy fall color, the entire plant lights on fire, then in the winter it has beautiful red berries that are edible for humans, one can make jams, but the birds also love them, but only after they have been fermented by the freezing temperatures. So late in winter your can see Cedar Waxwings fluttering around, perhaps a little tipsy and that's great.
Eric likes the way this is designed, it feels like they are exploring in nature. It's not a super groomed landscape, it's very comfortable, very pretty and really nice. And that was the intent, the designers tried to give New Yorkers the sense of exploration, which is rare in the city, the feeling of being able to walk through a woodland path where you don't know what is going to be in front of you, what you might find, or what beautiful little flowers might be ahead.
Eric wants to know about the role of the wetland in this garden. It's of course an aesthetic but also serves an important irrigation function. The entire park has rolling topography and all of the water drains ultimately into one pond. They view one pond, it is the 1st of 5 ponds. The water is filtered through each pond, it then goes into a tank and is reused in their irrigation system. So it's actually a bio-machine, Rebecca thinks that is what people call it these days, it filters the water and they reuse it, so it's a closed loop system. And that's important. This park is 100% organic. They need to be careful about what they put down in the park because it can end up in the wetlands. And that is true no matter where you garden, what you put into your garden will ultimately end up in a wetland. The effects are just more immediate here. Eric wants to know what challenges are involved in establishing a wetland or is it as simple as just designing a low spot Well, if you already have a low spot you are in a much better situation but designing an artificial wetland can be quite challenging. Dealing with nutrification, having too many nutrients, especially if fertilizing, is an issue, those nutrients end up in the water, then you get algae growth and invasive plants will pop up. This entirely constructed wetland has cattails and other plants that people struggle with in a natural setting. 59ce067264