The Gendered Society Reader.epub
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Within this totality, the all-encompassing essentialism of the family, which sees the family as the basis of society, is the most undermining of all. The family is the basis of society, the family is the communism of society, and the family is the root of all evil.
The family is a dimension of society in which the male and female are fundamentally the same. Thus the only way that we can understand our society is if we take the family as our point of reference. We must therefore be pluralistic in rejecting essentialist versions of the family, which is how we can combat essentialist versions of other social relations.
As communism is the theory of the future society, it can only be the theory of totality, or domination. All other theories are false, because they only see the partial. Liberalism has, in the name of pluralism, jettisoned any singularity, and thus any notion of totality, and has contrived a misleading “pluralism” that serves capitalism. Communism, as a theory of totality, is based on the discovery of the unity of opposites. It is a singular outlook that refuses to buy into the confusion of the false social pluralism of liberal capitalism. On this basis, it is the communist theory of society that will lead us into the real future.
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