Business Plan Research Centre
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This can be seen by the recent launch of Growing Forward 2 (GF2) federal provincial programs (2013-2018), which has resulted in an overall increase in innovation funding and a requirement to embed innovation throughout GF2 programs. Industry-led research and innovation, along with industry, academic, business and government collaborations are becoming increasingly important to advancing innovation and commercialization, and this is reflected in GF2 programming.
A world-wide scan of how other jurisdictions organize and manage agricultural and agri-food research and development infrastructure was completed by KPMG on behalf of ARIO1. This scan concluded that jurisdictions around the world who lead in agricultural research and innovation have these success factors for agri-food and agri-products research and innovation strategic business planning and infrastructure capacity:
The long-term funding agreement and relationship between the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the University of Guelph (the Agreement) is the primary vehicle for delivering the Ministry's agri-food and agri-products innovation agenda and the supporting research infrastructure strategy put forward by ARIO. The Agreement provides the research and innovation capacity to help attract and retain investment by government and industry for both discovery and applied scientific research. The University of Guelph (U of G) as the primary user of the ARIO properties, has an active role in the new agri-food and agri-products research and innovation centres emerging under the Infrastructure Strategy and supported through Growing Forward 2.
Implementation of the Infrastructure Strategy has been a catalyst for new, industry-influenced governance models that support the strong research and innovation capacity and boost Ontario's economy. The Vineland Research and Innovation Centre (VRIC) at Vineland and more recently, the Livestock Research and Innovation Centre (LRIC) at Elora have demonstrated industry's increased commitment to supporting the agri-food innovation system in partnership with governments and the research community. These two centres and the proposed remaining centres (Bioeconomy, Food and Health, and Field Crop Production) will continue to drive the modernization of relationships between innovation partners - governments, industry and the research community, and lead to necessary operating efficiencies across ARIO and non-ARIO infrastructure.
All ARIO business decisions are the sole responsibility of the Director of Research for ARIO. The Director of Research of ARIO is currently an OMAFRA Assistant Deputy Minister (Minister's appointment). ARIO has no staff and all Secretariat functions are provided by the ministry through the Research and Innovation Branch (RIB). Funding for all programs and properties administered by ARIO is provided through the ministry and their annual results based planning (RbP) budget process.
In alignment with both the government's plan to build Ontario up through investments in the economy, people and infrastructure and the Ministry's strategic direction for research and innovation, ARIO effectively promotes Ontario's agri-food and agri-product research and innovation system through the following communication objectives:
ARIO is required to submit its Annual Report including audited financial statements to the Minister within 120 days of its year-end (by July 29th annually). The annual report is prepared by OMAFRA staff and includes financial statements that are prepared and audited by an external auditor (public accountant) contracted by OMAFRA. The financial statements for the 2013-14 fiscal year are attached to this business plan (see Appendix C).
Funding for programs supported by ARIO is available from various sources. The Ontario Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, is the primary source of funding. The Ontario Government also provides funding for the open research programs. Under the ARIO Act, ARIO may accept grants and donations for research. Other funds usually come from commercial sources (such as agri business, marketing boards, and producer associations) and can be either designated for specific projects or non designated. In addition, with the approval of the Minister of Agriculture and Food, ARIO is able to hold patents and earn royalties on research developments.
The Cornell Hospitality Business Plan Competition is an annual entrepreneurship event that begins at the start of the academic year when students form teams and develop executive summaries for their business plans. The competition ends in early spring during Hotel Ezra Cornell (HEC), when the student teams submit their final business plans and semi-finalist teams make their presentations to a judging panel that selects the top three concepts as winners.
This information was put together to assist you in gathering the necessary information pieces to build your business plan. The resources are put together to follow the sections of the business plan format put forth in the Nuts & Bolts of Great Business Plans to help you gather the information you need. You will need to do research at each level of the business plan.
Plan your time accordingly, gathering the amount of information that this assignment requires can be time consuming as there is no one resource that can give you all of the pieces. Be prepared to gather information from many sources to put together your business plan. You will need to use both the print and electronic resources highlighted in this guide. You may find some sources more useful than others based upon the subject matter of your concept and the industry that it is a part of.
A business plan is an essential roadmap for business success. This living document generally projects 3-5 years ahead and outlines the route a company intends to take to grow revenues.
eStatement Studies includes two publications:Financial Ratios Benchmarks -- Comprehensive, detailed data on over 700 industries derived directly from financial statements.Industry Default Probabilities and Cash Flow Measures includes:Probability of default estimates on a percentage scale, mapped to a .pd bond rating scale. Cash flow measures on a common-size percentage scale. Change in position, normalized, year over year, for eight financial statement line items. Data arrayed by asset and sales size. Trend data available for the past four years. To create a business plan, you need data and research related to your industry, the market, your competitors, and your customers. The databases and resources on our Company, Industry, and Market Guides can answer these questions. Select the guide title to access the the type of information needed.
As the government moves forward with its plan to return Ontario to a stronger fiscal footing and recover from COVID-19 impacts, the ARIO plans to make strategic infrastructure investments that support economic growth, job creation and investment in relevant agriculture and food research. The Strategy is supported by industry which contributes capital dollars to projects (typically 20%) and is guided by two key pillars; modernize research infrastructure and drive operational efficiencies across the research station portfolio through consolidations of facilities and livestock.
As a result of this new priority setting process, OMAFRA reorganized former research theme priorities into 10 new research priority areas (food safety, animal health and welfare, plant health and protection, soil health, water quality and quantity, sustainable production systems, competitive production systems, innovative products and products improvement and trade, market, targeted sector growth opportunities).
This new research initiative combines and builds on the success of OMAFRA's former New Directions and Food Safety Research Programs. is funded through external funding and is no longer supported with ARIO funds. The legacy projects funded in prior years will continue as planned until complete.
The ARIO director of research is appointed by the minister under the ARIO Act and is responsible for the business and affairs of ARIO. The current ARIO director of research is the assistant deputy minister, Research and Corporate Services Division and Chief Administrative Officer of OMAFRA. OMAFRA, through RIB, provides secretariat services, such as administrative, operating and managerial support. Operational decision-making and approvals are made by the ARIO Director of Research, or his/her authorized delegate(s). The duties and authority of the director of research are detailed in the ARIO Act, as well as in the MOU between ARIO and OMAFRA. The diagram bellow summarizes the governance structure of ARIO in its current form.
The director of research of ARIO is appointed under the ARIO Act to administer the business and affairs of the Institute. The director of research is the ADM, Research and Corporate Services Division.
APRI is a unique model that has been successful for over 30 years at organizing the poultry industry stakeholders to focus on the research priorities for the region. The challenges that APRI faces are also an opportunity to enhance the APRI model and better position the organization for the future and to attract new researchers, new research projects and new research funding to the region. The below business plan details how these challenges will be addressed:
The European Technology Center (ETC) is one of ExxonMobil's three largest technology and research centers in the world. The Center researches applied process and product technology, and pioneers the development of business planning options.
Research Cores provide access to instrumentation, equipment and facilities (including databases), software, or professional expertise in the design and conduct of specialized measurements, analysis and interpretation of data, and research collaboration. To be considered a university-level research core, research resources should be broadly available to investigators and research teams across the University and should have a business plan or model (academic unit/center backed, recharge, project-by-project funding, etc.). Many Cores are available to and encourage requests for assistance from external users. 2b1af7f3a8