Ethical Dilemma Essay Mba [UPDATED]
In this second example, the candidate outlines a true dilemma. This applicant could be entirely comfortable telling the reader that he pursued either of the pricing strategies, as long as he walks the reader through his/her rationale.
For more advice on how to write your essays, check out our Essay Writing Guide and Optional Essays Guide, which present clear and easy-to-understand instructions for creating time-saving (and stress-reducing) outlines and for crafting comprehensive, engaging and effective essays.
EssayEdge significantly improves each essay using the same voice as the author. The only way to evaluate editing is to compare the original essay with the edited version. We significantly improve essays both for clients who write poorly and for clients who write well.
After fighting for years to be promoted to the position of tank company executive officer, I believed that transitioning into the role would be relatively easy. I could not have been more mistaken. As soon as the paperwork settled and I donned my new uniform, I encountered an ethical dilemma that cast all of my previous training into doubt.
This is an effective story that clearly lays out the complexity of the ethical dilemma you faced. Your unwillingness to submit fraudulent maintenance data is admirable, and I am sure that your comportment in this situation will leave a favorable impression on the admissions committee.
However, there were certain changes that would make your essay better. First, your essay relies too heavily on technical military language. You need to vary your voice to keep the essay interesting. Some of the phrases you use are too specialized and could confuse a reader who is unfamiliar with military terminology. You should set layman (or, in this case, civilian) comprehension as the bar for your essay, and you should not use terminology that is excessively specialized. I have shown how to vary your language below.
Throughout the essay, I took liberties to correct stylistic and grammatical problems. My changes largely took the form of making sentence transitions smoother and more compelling, varying sentence structure to keep the reader interested, and pruning unnecessary words to increase sentence comprehension and coherence. I consciously tried to leave your own voice and ideas intact.
I suggest that you paint your specific ethical dilemma in starker terms. You do not adequately develop the tension between your commitment to integrity and your unwillingness to report a fellow officer.
We want our clients to know how we work in advance, and the samples of orders we post serve this purpose. If you plan to apply for MBA, your essay should be exceptional to capture faculty members. EssayEdge editors are ready to provide top-notch MBA essay editing, so ask them for help if you doubt your skills.
Through this short video, understand an effective approach and avoid the most common mistakes that most applicants commit in writing an ethical dilemma essay. The pointers shared in this video will enable you to consolidate your thoughts in a structured manner and produce a well-written MBA Applications essay.
The heart of an ethical dilemma essay is a difficult choice that tests your values and character. The choice can come from your personal or professional life, but you must demonstrate your ability to analyze a difficult situation, present the pros and cons of your options, and explain the principles or values that guided your final decision.
MBA programs want to prepare students to analyze business situations that raise moral dilemmas or call for unpopular actions. The ethical dilemma question provides the interviewer with a glimpse of your unique moral filter and a gauge on how life has tested you.
When answering this type of question, you should describe the situation briefly, explain how you responded and the action you took, and then reflect on what you learned from the experience. The ethical dilemma question on the spot can trip up even the savviest of MBA applicants. Seek input from friends, family, or your application adviser to ensure you appear sincere and mature in your chosen example.
Admissions committees use the ethics essay to see how you analyze and propose solutions to thorny problems that lack black-and-white answers. Managers who expect to lead organizations well must be comfortable with ambiguity and have the emotional intelligence to find their way to solutions that balance complexities. Essays in which you pat yourself on the back for resisting an obviously illegal scheme (which admissions officers would expect you to reject outright) tell them nothing about your ability to balance ambiguous alternatives or conflicting values.
Ethical Dilemmas often occur in business situations as well as everyday life. These could be simple problems such as whether to lie about deadline requirements in order to get work done faster, or something complex such as manipulation of facts and figures in financial statements. The core value system of the person making any such decision plays a huge role in the extent of his or her ethical manipulation. Get Help With Your EssayIf you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help!
One applicant we worked with came from a country that has different ethical standards than the U.S. regarding plagiarism. While an undergrad in the U.S., he was accused of plagiarizing parts of a major college term paper. He failed the course and had to repeat it, an experience that was humiliating and humbling for him. Ultimately, he turned that negative episode into something positive when he later ran for student government and championed a change in plagiarism standards and communications at the school.
4. Tell me about an ethical dilemma you faced. MBA programs want to equip students with the ability to analyze business situations that raise moral dilemmas or appear to call for unpopular actions. The ethical dilemma question gives the admissions interviewer a glimpse of your unique moral filter and a gauge on how life has tested you.
Answering the ethical dilemma question on the spot can trip up even the savviest of applicants. Seek input from friends, family or your application adviser to ensure you appear both sincere and mature in the example you've chosen.
In this case, Livestrong was directly involved in the lobbying attempts. As a result, ethical questions were raised, and many critics argued that these lobbying efforts were not ethically acceptable practices. The lobbying went against the intent of many donors who provide their funds for a charity mission.
Livestrong responded to the ethical dilemma by stressing that its financial management, accountability, and transparency were beyond reproach. These explanations, however, did not meet expectations of many donors who believed that the charity ought to be more transparent and accountable. In addition, donors expressed their concerns that the difference between Lance Armstrong and Livestrong was becoming difficult to notice. For instance, Lance charged substantial fees for appearing at some events for charity ride. This situation also explained the complex relationship between Lance and Livestrong.
To enhance ethical practices along its supply chain, Apple has adopted several initiatives. First, Apple became the first technology firm to join the Fair Labor Association to enhance working conditions along its supply chain. Second, the company started to work with Chinese labor rights advocates and environmental associations to enhance external access and monitoring to manufacturing facilities (Hinks, 2012).
Livestrong Foundation created the ethical dilemma by using donations to lobby for Lance against the USADA. Many have argued that one could not exactly tell the difference between Lance Armstrong and the Foundation. For instance, it was difficult to determine whether Lance was acting on his personal behalf or on behalf of the Foundation, specifically when he charged fees to appear on charity events. Thus, unforeseen forces were not responsible for the ethical dilemma at Livestrong Foundation.
Given the nature of the relationship between Lance Armstrong and its Foundation, it is difficult to determine who was responsible for the ethical dilemma. Nevertheless, the Foundation has been held responsible for a lack of transparency, poor financial management and low standards of governance. Its leadership must disassociate with Lance and avoid engaging in lobbying activities, which do not have any relationships with cancer, cancer patients or their families.
Apple responded in a morally responsible manner to ethical dilemma created by Foxconn. Apple, for instance, has insisted that all its suppliers must maintain fair labor practices and abide by labor laws of respective countries (Parboteeah & Kapp, 2008).
Although Apple is not directly responsible for ethical dilemma at Foxconn, many critics have associated the situation with Apple while Foxconn is directly responsible for the issue. Foxconn has failed to improve its working conditions and observe standard labor laws and practices provided by the US and Chinese labor agencies.
Foxconn is directly responsible for this ethical issue at its Chinese factories. Foxconn can fix its ethical challenges by adhering to both the US and Chinese labor laws and safety standards. While it had made some progresses, recent audits have revealed that some workers still face critical challenges (Kenny, 2014).
The ethical dilemma of Livestrong reveals egoism at the company. The Foundation was engaged in selfish drive to save its founder. In fact, this was purely an act of benefiting Lance Armstrong and not the noble mission of fighting cancer.
The ethical dilemma at Livestrong Foundation shows that it could be difficult to run ethical organizations. Generally, individuals have diverse views on moral obligations. Thus, issues considered morally upright for an individual may not reflect the same for another person. 2b1af7f3a8